Women do you wish you were men?

Men's thou have better and easier life. They do-not have to face any sexism , they do-not have to bleed every month and likewise they don't need to give birth, they by large dont need to fear rapes, there are hardly too many cases of domestic violence, they can pee wherever they get place and can do it standing up, their salaries are more hence more payments, they are much stronger when compared physically, they are taken as a superior and smarter gender, they dont get abused by getting called as bitches and whores, they look better, hence dont need make-up, their immunes system is strong hence less stress, less sickness of diseases, they are not hated without a reason as usually people blame women's by large for everything.
The cons are superseded by pro's taking huge margin of leads for males when compared to females so I was just wondering if females do wish to be a man?